
Varieties of Crops and Agriculture

Varieties of Crops and Agriculture Crop        Carbohydrate as source of energy is obtained from cereals like wheat, ...

Ecosystem and Biogeochemical cycle

Ecosystem and Biogeochemical cycle Ecosystem        It is the structural and functional unit of biosphere and is characterized by self ...

Environmental Pollution : 5 Types, Effect & Causes of Pollutions and How to control on it

Environmental Pollution         The meaning of the words pollution and pollute as given in Oxford dictionary are as under : ...

Celestial bodies and Indian Calendar

Celestial bodies and Indian Calendar         Here we are studing about Celestial bodies and Indian Calendar in subsequently paragraphs. Celestial ...

Structure of Matter and Molecule

Structure of Matter and Molecule What is Matter        Different objects present around us, like- water, air, salt, book, computer ...
7 Amazing facts about Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Mr. Rishi Sunak 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar with it’s benifits
7 Amazing facts about Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Mr. Rishi Sunak 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar with it’s benifits