Science and Technology

Type of Network Devices; Learn in details.

Network Devices        Network devices are devices or units that are used to exchange data in a computer ...

What is Computer Network? Its categories & purpose and Network Topology

Computer Network        For data transmission, when many independent computers are connected together through some medium, then this ...

Do you Know How many type of Output Devices; Output Devices of Computer

Output Devices        Output devices are the means with the help of which the computer presents the results ...

Input Devices of Computer; Type of Input Devices

Input Devices       Data, information and instructions are inserted by the user in the computer with the help ...

How many type of Storage Devices, Learn it here.

Type of Storage Devices       Storage devices do the work of storing data, information etc. Computer data and ...

Learn about Software & Hardware, Computer Languages and Operating System

Software & Hardware, Computer Languages and Operating System Software & Hardware      The work of computer is operated in ...

Characteristics, Limitations and Generations of Computer

Characteristics, Limitations and Generations of Computer Characteristics of Computer        Computer is playing an important role in the ...

Computer : Introduction, Definition, Types and Uses of Computer

Computer : Introduction, Definition, Types and Uses of Computer Introduction of Computer        The invention of the computer ...
7 Amazing facts about Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Mr. Rishi Sunak 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar with it’s benifits
7 Amazing facts about Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Mr. Rishi Sunak 12 Steps of Surya Namaskar with it’s benifits